Wednesday, June 30, 2010

DO GOOD Program - Notebook Drive 2010

The notebook drive for 2010 was indeed more than successful...thanks to the generosity of the donors. SOSVA was able to meet the requirements of the NGOs for whom the drive was initiated...It was indeed a pleasure to see the happy faces of the students who received the notebooks...Here are some pictures of the notebooks distribution at some of the NGOs. Thank you once again donors..We hope that next year we will be in a position to cater to more NGOs.

Distribution at Vidya, Powai and Janvi, Saki Naka

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

World Environment Day

World Environment Day on 5th June this year, was celebrated with our volunteers in Maharashtra Nature Park. The volunteers enjoyed the trail with tips on urban gardening and vermin composting.

Press Coverage

Here is a scanned copy of the article in Hindustan Times regarding some of our volunteers...Three cheers to them